Oldgroaners Phone&Compact

By Oldgroaner

Every Shipwreck has a story

The Vita Nova Z588 was built in 1967 and was a Belgian Trawler. She later spent some time in Ireland and then was decommissioned and ended up in Millom, Cumbria . She was sold as scrap to a family who converted her to a houseboat and was anchored just off the causeway between Rampside and Roa Island. The family lived on her until the really high tides at the end of 2014/early 2015 washed her ashore.
This painting
I photographed the ship in 2017, and began a painting that I mislaid
And lost the image too!
The painting turned up this week so i started to complete it, and looked into it's history
Time and tide and no doubt the hands of scavengers have reduced the old ship to this

Vita Nova now

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