Huly Hill

Off work today, doing some essential chores. Anyway, it allowed me to blip the Huly Hill stone circle and burial cairn on the west of Edinburgh at Newbridge.

The main feature is a 30 metre (100 foot) diameter earthen burial mound, surrounded by a modern retaining wall. At its highest it is around 3 metres (10 feet). The mound was excavated in 1830 and a dagger or spearhead was found along with some cremated bones.

Around the mound are three standing stones; two are around 2 metres (6 feet) tall, and the third is probably broken and stands 1.2m (4 feet) tall.

It seems from investigations that the best date for this site is approximately 2,500 years ago, which totally amazes me. I am in awe of thinking that where I was walking this morning has also been walked on over 2,000 plus years ago by people in the Stone Age.

Archaeology really fascinates me.

Anyway, back to the modern day, and I hope you are having a good Friday,

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