
By TBay

Roses done.

I always feel that spring cannot be too far away once I have done the rose pruning. Today the sun shone and was really quite pleasant outside so Mr Tbay and I hit the pruning job with speed  and efficiency! We managed to do the whole lot in one afternoon!! Good job done. The garden always looks rather bleak at this time of year but give it another few weeks and colour will begin to appear.

Another cockerel has been sold! I now only have two of the huge fluffy Buff Orpington boys to find homes for. Having said that I think Miss H wants to keep one so that’s one for the pot! 

This evening Miss Tbay was judging the Young Farmers County round of the Junior Member of the Year via zoom. It all seemed to go really well and she very much enjoyed it. It seems no time at all since she was the National Young Farmers Junior Member of the year herself. An amazing achievement when she won! 

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