I think I’ve got a problem
Only partway through my latest make - a scarf from a kit by Made with Loops that I was given a couple of years ago as a gift - and I spent time browsing on wool sites this afternoon and gave placed an order for many balls for my future projects!
My back is a little better and probably isn’t being helped by my sitting in one spot knitting for hours on end!
Miss PHL had her results back and her bloods are all normal, however she had a good chat with the doctor who suspects some kind of bacteria in her stomach. She needs to hand in a sample at the start of the week and can then start taking the new indigestion tablets. If the sample is positive she will then be prescribed antibiotics but it might take 3 or 4 weeks to get the results. She is feeling a little more positive as she has been listened to and did manage to eat a little more today. Fingers crossed.
A nice chat with our son this evening and I’m now watching more of Game of Thrones whilst knitting. The solid red section is the pattern that gives me the most trouble and it’s not that complicated but think I keep looking at the instructions fir the wrong row!
Phin seems pretty cheerful and suffering no ill effects but I’ve managed to get him booked in fir a 6 month check with the vet to have his gunky eyes checked so will ask about his other issues then.
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