The Aliens are visiting

Again, pesky wee critters, but I do luv em :-)))))))
Another lovelrrry sunny day it started off cloudy
but turned out nice, and this afternoon I sat out in
it for a bit.
Today I felt a lot better so I went out with Mr Lem
to beezzy quezey B&Q to you guys, our shower thingy
had broken so he had to purchase another thingy, which
he fitted this afternoon, then some food shopping, it
felt good to get out, I have had a bit of cabin fever and
I haven't been walking since Monday, so I hope to get
back into that tomorrow, I have missed that. I can never
remember if the old saying of starve a cold and feed a
fever or starve a fever and feed a cold which is right so to
be on the safe side I fed both cold and fever and I
think it's worked hahahahahaha
Hope your all having a great St Davids Day :-)

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