Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Finally I had my doctors appointment and it all went well. He said that I'm doing everything I can at the moment, he doesn't have that much information about illness from Covid and what little he's read has come from studies in Great Britain. Still on full time sick leave since there's no way I can apply for work or work at the moment. So, I'll continue to get out and walk every other day, rest and take the highest dose of my asthma medicin. As usual he's good to talk to, and he takes his time with me. He also told me to think that this will pass, and I told him that I hang on to that hope. I will get better, eventually.
The photo is from my way to the health clinic and two dogs were barking like crazy, apparently they had such a huge disagreement that one of the dog owners had to walk away. :)

18. What piece of art are you grateful for?
I'm going to make that a plural... I'm grateful for the paintings I've gotten as gifts from friends and I'm also grateful for the thick silver chain my dad gifted my mum a long time ago. Now it's in my care, and I've worn the necklace several times. :)

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