There’s Always One!
This little cactus thought it was a Christmas one and bloomed profusely just before the festive period, but a single flowers decided to go it alone and be different, late for Christmas but early for Easter. In all of nature there’s always one to rock the boat!
Apart from a walk along the canal and a Zoom call over lunch time I have filled the day throwing out paperwork and timetables. I have come to the conclusion that life as we know it will be so different when we come out of lockdown that all my carefully filed timetables and bank statements will be irrelevant.
What I really need now is an industrial shredder. I had a domestic one once upon a time that produced a bagful of shreds from one A4 page. That is no use whatsoever with the amount of paperwork having to go.
In the space of a year all that I need to know about anything personal or otherwise is on my laptop. This is scary for me, a person who likes to have everything backed up by a printout, writ large in black and white. I don’t like to think about computer crashes and losing everything. I would then have to rely on the Cloud which might be situated on Mars for all I know.
In fact maybe the spaceship landing on the red planet this evening might find all my details and everyone else’s in a secret Cloud location there , even if people tell me it’s actually situated In California.
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