The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

A Tail of Two Dogs

It's been a bit of an upset day in the house.  

Morning walk went as planned although both Nibbler and Phoebe decided I was not to get the full nights sleep I planned so I was up at about 5:50am again while Phoebs then proceeded to move to the bed rather than get up with me.  She did eventually come down and we had a nice morning walk - as nice as it can be in the grim rainy weather.

She didn't get her afternoon walk and as such I think we have paid dearly for the upset in routine with a couple of accidents in one of our other rooms - right where Rosie sleeps (we think marking the spot) and then I caught her mid crouch for a number 2.  Just when we think we have cracked it there's a slip up.

It's been 3 weeks and she is now 8 months so we should be better.  I do think that although we have let her out she is now so used to the park in the afternoon that she didn't go when she was in the garden and then has gone to the next best place which is the room the cats sleep in.  Dunno - either way she knows she is not popular with me right now as I gave her the "look".

Puppies are hard.  She is however still adorable and we still love her to bits and to be fair to her it was our days screwing things up.

Other news work is still busy - too busy.

Steve wasn't feeling too great today so we had ice cream for dinner - isn't adulting great sometimes?

Here's to tomorrow - a new day!

*Edit - looks like spots of blood - looks like her first season (and last) has arrived - maybe that explains the out of sorts....?*

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