Easter's Coming

My favorite moments of the day:
candy, comics, and pizza with Cody
sharing the Bat Comics grab bag experience with Cody (my dad took me on special days when I was eleven, now I get to take Cody)
opening our mystery bags at the same time, with our eyes closed, of course
Bond, James Bond with the secondary family
backyard bonfire
dying Easter eggs with my favorite 11-year-old
connecting with old friends, and new ones
finding a new, challenging topic in class to overcome and master
helping classmates work through practice assignments and homework
watching kids play bike polo
Cody's fire dance
riding home at eleven o'clock at night in a light rain instead of asking for a ride
talking to roadwarrior on the phone
one or two classroom epiphanies

My not-so-favorite moments:
suffering through bad dreams and nightmares all last night and this morning
ruining lunch
truly believing the day was not salvageable at noon

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