A Lovely Idea

At the end of my Mum's road is a Co-op funeral parlour and we used to joke about her having this horse-drawn carriage for her coffin. In fact she's left her body to the University of Bristol for research so there's not been a funeral service as such but it seemed an appropriately silly blip for the eve of her memorial service. As I was taking the photo I spotted that there was an invitation to pop in and write a card in memory of a Mum to go up in their window for Mothering Sunday. This is such a lovely idea - so I did! It's quite tough at the moment with so many mother-related things around. A good thought from the Co-op and even more special for me as this year Mothering Sunday falls on 10th March, which was my Dad's birthday. So a double memorial - I've enjoyed being on their patch today and catching up with several old friends and neighbours.

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