Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


So during yet another sleepless night a few nights ago I discovered a recipe for a fakeaway donner kebab.

So I set about getting the ingredients.

It was really easy and smelled lush it really did smell like a donner. It came out a bit bland though but definitely with potential, I think Mr Mouse and I will try tweaking and doing it again.

It was done in the slow cooker. I also joined a slower cooker fb group to get some new ideas as I think we have been stuck in the stew rut. Well we do some other things as well but not much, I did get some cook books a while ago but the recipes were all so much of a faff the majority needing prep first as in frying things off etc I just like the bung it all in approach. Mind you the slowed cooked pheasant with roasted chestnuts recipe was devine. I miss being able to easily buy game, there was a wonderful shop in the covered market in Oxford we used to go to. Ummmm and Ben's cookies eaten straight away while they were still warm. And we used to get a hot chocolate from AMT coffee and sit on the wall and watch the world go by.

Little Mouse has been getting interested in dinosaurs, I am looking forwards to the world returning to normal and sharing a bit of my childhood and take him to the natural history museum and Pitt rivers in Oxford it was always my favourite on trips to Oxford oh and spotting the shark in Headington as we drove past . Of course I also want him to take Colchester castle so he can learn about his Essex heritage. And of course we will have to take him to London at some point. So many memories. I used to get the train into London at weekend to see my brother and he would take me to museums. As I got older museums became gigs. And used to go to the westend with my parents to see musicals, I remember most of them were via coach trips arranged by the factory in the village where my Dad worked.

But then we have so many amazing things in Nottingham as well. I had planned on last year introducing little mouse to the wonder of theatre but of course the world got turned upside down. I think I am just missing being able to explore and do all the fun things.

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