Team on tour

Major parent fail today - we somehow hadn't realised it was fancy dress day for the infants part of school...and aaaallll 3 classes of kids were dressed up to the nines...except for Nate! Argh! Mommy guilt! Anyway, we dropped off his superhero cape and eye mask as we drove to our team meeting... For the first time in a long time we met in the flesh! So much better than Zoom. We went for a walk and talk...we're allowed up to 6 people if we're exercising. So so good to see people...from our team we're missing Becky's (grey scarf) husband Tim as he's puppy sitting their new family addition, and Emma who's back in N.Ireland for a bit. And of course the Delports have just left - we're feeling pretty depleted!
Beautiful weather for walking today - I've added an extra - so many blues!! The figures are Danny, Stephen and Max the dog. 
Danny managed to sort the paperwork for getting a new ID card again, the police were really kind to him apparently and completely took responsibility for the mess up.
Caña Club tonight on Zoom...good to see the gang, including Todd and Stephen who are now back in the States.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A roof over our heads. I've had 3 calls in as many days asking if I know of accommodation for people newly's was a German couple who now find themselves homeless and jobless...
2) This bunch of wonderful people - all living good lives helping others. 
3) Pancakes - Asha was particularly delighted with pancakes for tea.

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