Pipe Hill Heathland

Just on the corner where they remodelled the road between Cannock and Lichfield, there’s a bit of heathland which has stunning butterflies and probably other treasures.

If I’m feeling a bit stiff and not very mobile, I stop here and just stretch my legs (and take a few photos).

I paused awhile and noticed they’ve done quite a bit of clearing. A notice warned they were thinning out the gorse and birch for essential maintenance of the heathland. Perhaps this time they have the funds to clear a way into the middle. Perhaps I’ll have the chance to look out for the rare(ish) butterflies.

I didn’t stay long this morning. A woman came by struggling with her Dane cross. She clearly thought there would be nobody around. We exchanged a few comments about the wildlife and then I made a strategic retreat. 

I’ll be back at various points to see the results of the council handiwork. 

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