It's Melting!!!

Ah, finally. The temps are in the mid 40'sF/ 7C, the sun peeks out amongst rain showers, the the world is turning to slush instead of ice. Sheets of ice and snow are falling off the roof. I can even see some pavement. I'm going out for a walk as soon as the next band of showers passes by. What a long haul...but much longer for 150,000 people who lost power. And for those who lost trees due to the weight of ice and snow. It looks like we're on the other side of this now, thank goodness. I hope that we can go back to springtime!

Meanwhile, a desk day caught up with a lot of random stuff, including taxes. I caught sight of this tulip in a lovely bunch of tulips that is starting to go by. The sunlight behind it wasn't there for long, but fortunately my camera was already set up on the tripod from my hummingbird shot a couple of days ago, so simple to grab it and shoot. 

It makes me so cheerful to see this glowing orange beauty!

Happy President's Day - I hope it's been a peaceful one.

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