Mono Monday: Friend

Not sure if it's Cameraman being a friend to the earth by pruning the apple tree or Flora being a friend just by being herself but here's a Mono Monday entry on the theme of friend. Can't claim the blip to be in a high key but it's my best shot with limited time today.

The variety of tree being pruned is Scrumptious. It will have beautiful blossom in a few months and then lots of fruit. The Community Orchard was established in 2012 and is doing very well.

My sister and I received an email from our uncle today addressed 'Dear Girls'. How we chuckled. Not a salutation either of us has had for many a year. Anyway he's deep into local research again and we are promised more by the end of the week.

The thaw is complete at ground level. The temperature is about 6C - high enough that I felt it was time to throw open windows and let a bit of fresh air in. Now I need to go and shut myself away in the coldest room of the house to do some work on the desktop computer.

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