Happy Valentine’s!

Lockdown 3 - Day 41

This is what happens when you get bored on a 5 hour journey home lol! I went to take a selfie of us both in the car, as this is how we spent Valentine’s Day, and then I noticed what Alan was doing - it made me laugh :-)

We left mum’s just after 1pm and got home about 6pm, so it wasn’t a bad journey but it felt a long way today!

We unpacked the car, I cooked dinner snd I have no idea where the time went after that!

Oh, and 9 years ago today I posted my very first Blip! It’s not my 9th Blipversary as I’ve missed quite a few along the way, but it’s still an achievement to still be blipping after 9 years.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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