By lizzie_birkett

Happy Saint Valentine's Day! ❤️

I make a point of saying Saint because it seems to have been dropped. February 14th was the day Saint Valentine died in the year 273 AD. He was a Bishop and Martyr - having ministered to the persecuted Christians and he was the patron saint of love, bee keepers, and Plague!

Today's Febcreate prompt is Hame (Home) and I did two pictures.
The saying - Home is Where the Heart is - came to mind and I thought, every person should have a home where their heart is and where they feel safe and protected. Even during this extremely bitter cold weather fellow human beings are sleeping outdoors on the streets. A disgrace to our country.

Extra: Frank surprised me this morning with a card! Oops I hadn't got him one so I dedicated the other painting of the boat to him. The orange rubber ball was a free gift for Bella that came with her food order yesterday.

A weather change today. No blue sky and sunshine and a very icy walk this morning up the track, water trickles down their from the hills and overnight it froze making it treacherous.
This afternoon the rain started and it hasn't stopped.

They keep talking on the news about lifting the restrictions soon. I know people are desperate to get back to 'normal' but it scares me. I hope they don't rush into it and end up having to lock us down again.

Anyway, hope you've all had a good weekend and that lots of you have had the jab (jag in Scotland) and the rest of you will get yours soon.
Thanks for the stars, hearts and comments.

Goodnight :-)X

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