
Woken by a mysterious ring on the doorbell and found a bunch of red roses on the doorstep!

It was still freezing overnight, but the temperature noticably started climbing during the day. Ice melting and lumps of snow falling off buildings. I went out with D on his way to the station as far as the bus stop - but then had to do a detour round the block to find a recycling bin with some space in it. So just turned back and blipped the Shore when I got to the corner - the ice on the WoL almost melted, and lots more people around. Gosh, I can just make out D at the back of that group of people around the bus stop - black beanie!

It's been lovely to have him home, but he's safely back in Hull now. Back to remembering that I'm only cooking for one - a surprisingly tricky business, I find.

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