Snow is falling ....

I have watched many blippers all week
Posting glorious pictures of snow bound gardens and streets whilst I sat at home in zero degrees and brilliant sunshine.

This morning three of us decanted to the allotment whilst the four sat and binged ‘little fires’

The men folk dug and sawed ; I pranced around and examined everyone else’s progress and did not much.

Between getting home and going back out for the shopping the snow finally started here.... and we have snow for the first time in .... 11 years I think maybe ten

Whilst himself shopped in Morrison I went to the butcher and the chemist and wandered the beach.

It had been so long since I had seen snow I forgot what a pain it was to walk in....and my hair is driving me insane. I can’t see a thing...

And in other news.... Jessica knocked the pants out of a tray of brownies today!

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