Snow fun

A bitterly cold wind has sprung up making the just-below-temperture feel colder than the -8 we were out in the other day. I've never worn 4 layers for a run, before, and I still wasn't hot even though the sun was shining.
Went out to see what I could manage a collect a few things for the running challenge "bingo" and ended up having so much fun I did over 7 (slow) miles. There were enough well-walked-on trails to make most of it fairly straightforward if taken cautiously and a man's ski trails helped.
We were supposed to find a trig-point but I didn't want to run up the Law to the nearest one as the pavements are iffy (though Mr Rat managed it with care) so I made my own. I also collected a pile of rubbish and added it to a pile already there (too much to take away with me) and saw a fine snowman and a miniature Herdwick back home.
Another of the bingo items was a dawn/dusk run so I went out again later on a long route to post some letters. The top right pic is the ponds in a snow shower. 

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