A shot in the arm

A freezing cold day today - zero degrees with a biting wind. I went down to Ganavan to take the two flower pots I'd made up and placed them on either side of the toilet door, as agreed. The block was supposed to be open by ten, but I eventually gave up waiting and came home. It turned out that they had a burst pipe last night and Adventure Oban were unable to open the loos today! 

Went down to the surgery this afternoon for my Covid vaccination - all very quick and painless. I don't normally like injections, but this one was so quick that I hardly realised that it had been done! They expected to 750 of them in Oban today. Afterwards I hid round the corner and took a Blip of the security, or whatever they were, outside the surgery, then I went back to Ganavan to bring the flower pots home again! Not the greatest of days - but maybe the end of the cold weather for a while.

Quote of the Day:

Les Dawson - "I went to my doctor and asked for something for persistent wind. He gave me a kite. You see the trouble is he's very old-fashioned. When he gives you an injection you have to bite on a bullet."

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