Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Do you want ice with that?

The weather was supposed to have started to get milder today, there wasn't much evidence of that though. We've had snow showers throughout the day, only brief and light but it's been quite convincingly cold!
My blip is of the water pump in our pond. I have a low energy heater in there over the winter which usually stops the pond from freezing completely. It's quite funny actually the fish all gather around it when it is on. A very human characteristic. It always fascinated me when I see running water which has frozen as here. I realise that's how icicles form but my little non scientific brain finds it rather wonderful. This looks a bit like a staghorn fern I think.
The Webinar I was supposed to be involved in took place this morning, I had recorded my input before my op in case I wasn't feeling up to it and I'm afraid that I didnt attend. All went well though, I believe, and I've asked a couple of people to give feedback for our magazine.
I had a chat with Colin's cousin today she has her vaccine this evening. Maybe we're going to be able to meet in person soon if this keeps up rather than in the ether. People are going to be so more skilled with IT after all of this is over. It's true what they say about necessity!
My Morrisons order arrived at 8.30 this morning, cat litter and Pickle's food, from Pets at Home this afternoon and a copy of the Guest List arrived sometime in between, a gift from my sister.
Other than that not a lot: I made a batch of bolognaise and another of mince, half to eat and half to freeze, completed several outstanding email tasks, ordered a tunic from John Lewis and that's about it I think. Not too stressful a day.
No side effects from Thursday's vaccine for either of us, I took an ibuprofen prophylactically beforehand and put arnica on when I got home which may have helped, but I'm usually OK with vaccines.
Keep safe and well everybody

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