It's been a morning of those household jobs that I only get around to once in a blue moon, for example taking apart the light fitting in the living room, hoovering, dusting and washing where required.
After lunch we decided against a run and for a walk. I left my camera behind which was a good move as it was too bitingly cold to stand still without gloves on for any length of time. There were only a few hardy souls out on the moor, mainly dog walkers.
Back home I opened the bedroom window to see if there was a bird I could blip and, thankfully, the nuthatch arrived almost immediately so it was blip done, window closed and warmth restored in a matter of moments.
There is the possibility of freezing rain for Scotland and the North East overnight. If you have to go out tomorrow folks in those parts of the country, be extra careful! We shall be watching the Countryfile forecast closely this evening.
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