Winter scenes

Together with Peter and Yolanda, I went to Holwerd this afternoon, to capture winter scenes during sunset. It was the first time Yolanda joined us on a trip like this. A chance to show her how we do things...

Ron and Herman also joined, and it felt great to be out there together after a very long time. Although we soon all went our seperate ways, as photographers do, it was nice to have short chats in between.

When we arrived the sun was still high in the sky delivering harsh contrasts (and where are clouds when you need them!) and I had some doubts if it would be possible to create nice images. We all had our doubts.
But once the sun sank lower and lower, conditions improved drastically.

Around 18.00 hours the light was gone and we went back to our cars. Herman left right away and we had a coffee and tea.

Around 19.30 we were all back home again.
Feet up for an episode of the TV series Flikken Maastricht, combined with a delicious lasagne that was waiting in the oven, made a perfect start of the weekend.

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