And she saw that it was good

Over the past couple of months I've added potted succulents to where primarily Aussies and South Africans live (I'm talking plants). Some are a bit special from a friend's garden. I suspect they add a Mexican element to the mix.

Today I've finally replanted 2 hellebores in a different part of the garden. One was in a pot which I've moved to here and planted a Sedum rubrotinctum (Jelly bean succulent) in it.

With that done a Aloe spinosissima (spider Aloe) went into the big pot on the left and a lemon thyme into the spot where the sedum was. Both were bought at the end of January. Another pot and succulent I bought last weekend at a market found a home here too.

It is indeed good. A bit quirky and as they grow they'll delight me with structural forms and flowers. If we get snow or hard frosts I'll have to cover them.

Today's gratitude: For gliding gently until I was ready to accomplish.

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