Skin on or skin off

My little DougsJB (who is not little anymore and who is also now a married man) had his last day today as a church apprentice. The week after next sees him begin his graduate job with Deloitte.

His start-date got pushed back last Spring because of Covid, and he immediately asked if he could be of use at church. And what a God-send that was. He worked diligently editing, sorting out our website and social media and took us to a whole new digital and technical level with podcasts and videos and more and more. It’s also quite possible that this little boy of ours (who now isn’t little and isn’t ours either) might be a preacher and a teacher of the future.

But today he left us. And as I began to work early this morning, with a plate of quickly grabbed fruit, he was yanked to the front of my mind because he eats the skin on kiwi fruit and I don’t.

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