"The sky has fallen in..
always new it would"
said Eeyore to Winnie The Pooh
Well the village cricket team need to get extra fit for when cricket resumes when the fencing is put up (by the looks of it). Far less rest-time whilst the unlucky outfielder searches for the ball in the next field.
The Swimmer
Enjoyed watching "The Swimmer" yesterday starring Burt Lancaster (1968). Highly rated and deservedly so. A bit more complexity than I was expecting and a much more female figures in risque swimsuits too!
Another winner tonight watching two episodes of Trailblazers; Dance music and Electronic Music, covering influences, inter-relationships, interviews and clips from the 1920's up to K-Pop and covering lots of famous tunes. Highly recommended for anyone who has even a vague liking of music/dance/fashion/history, TV (Hot Gossip, Dr Who).
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