A willow seat

I pretty much finished up the coppicing: an awkward dead willow to fell, a heavy hanging branch to clear, brash to burn and wood to log..

I left the willow trunk high as a seat for future rests when I’m passing this way again. Which will be soon. Robert Frost should’ve written one on why woods have so few places to sit.

As expected Tuscany along with Liguria, Abruzzo and Trento has popped back into orange Covid rules. Meanwhile an orange alert for snow too.

Draghi announced his new ministers - 15 politicians and 8 experts/technos. A surprisingly political mix which may suggest he wants to stick around long enough to make a difference. With getting on for €300bn off Eu funding and loans this may be Italy’s last chance to make long lasting reforms to refloat the economy, prepare for climate change and tackle a myriad of social ills including shocking youth unemployment. And still Covid to be vanquished.

It’s snowing as I turn in with some intense cold to come.

Be safe.

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