
My brother-in-law castigates me for processing my photos as he regards it to be cheating. His argument is that in the film era you didn't have Photoshop or any editing software at all and should get it right in-camera without shenanigans. He only took up photography about 10 years ago, I spent the first 35 years of my photography involvement with analogue.
I try to explain that I had to select the type of film, how I was going to process it, what paper I was going to print onto, how I was going to dodge, burn and vary the time in the developer so that the information in the negative could be brought out, etc.etc..... To no avail.
You also develop a photographer's eye, you see the image before you take the shot, everything is then about realising that image. Of course the camera settings that you use, the framing and the timing of the shutter release are important, but ultimately are only a part of the process of producing the photograph.

I have offered up the raw image and the image that I saw when I pressed the shutter release. I am happy and at ease with what I do. Don't let rules or ideology constrain your photography.

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