Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess


I don't expect these would make it into the Guinness Book of Records, but they were the best I could do to feature the current weather conditions. I went out on foot to the local shops as I needed the exercise and a change of scene, also I reckon my car is probably still snowed in. The weather is due to warm up on Sunday and I can wait for that. 

I've now noticed the reflections in the lamp and will have to have a look at what they can be - can't think at the moment where those buildings are.

One of my upstairs neighbours has recently taken up the drums and I steeled myself to ask if he could do it in another room, and/or with more sound insulation, limited times etc. It went OK I think - time will tell as to whether we can work something out.

Otherwise I've been enjoying time with L&A and having a chilled day.

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