uh oh....

........someone isn't happy

I don't like this Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm malarkey either, but Mr C likes
it even less, poor chap. I do, however, feel like a normal person at the moment; no bone-aching tiredness and no sense of being upside down and back to front. The good news is that I'm on annual leave next week......as long as I can avoid the demands of the court system ;-)

Oooh, I've just noticed that this is my 600th. After all that thinking about what I might do I completely forgot about it on the day!! Ach well, Mr C's as good a celebration as anything I might have thought up.

PS Ciao and auf wiedersehen il Papa, I'll keep my eye out for the white smoke, I hope you enjoy the country life, you'll have a lot to think about in your new life of prayer

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