Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Time marches on

I got my Trailwalker Challenge pack today, it feels like ages till July but as we enter March tomorrow it won't be long before it is upon us. This is just one of many challenges I'm taking on-board this year to push and test myself.

A day of mixed emotions really as in the morning I attended a funeral of one of my old colleagues. It's been over 10 years since I saw her last but it still came as a shock to hear of her passing. It also makes you realise how quickly time marches on, as when I first knew her I was still a young pup. RIP Jenny.

This evening I headed to the Swansea Metropolitan University to hear Dr Paul Thomas talk about Simplexity, his message resonates with me, democracy, engagement and making a positive difference.

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