Beautiful evening

It's been lovely and sunny all day, a frosty start but gorgeous.

Everytime I looked out of the window at work I just wished I could be out walking somewhere with my camera!!

It was Lottie's first Rainbows session tonight and as hubby was off I arranged to meet them there rather than struggle through traffic and come straight back out again. I ended up having ten minutes to kill and as it was another gorgeous sunset I headed up to Sandal Castle.

I am ashamed to say that having lived in or around Wakefield for the best part of 40 years I have never actually been bef0re - but I will definitely be going back. The views were amazing. There was a man there also taking photos but I didn't have time to find out if he was a blipper, just passed the time of day and admired the sunset. Just 5 minutes out in the fresh air with my camera was enough to help me relax and put a smile on my face!!

Little miss loved Rainbows - I was worried she would go all clingy as she didn't know anybody but she was so excited and not a bit worried about being left. She came bouncing out afterwards and wants to go back next week :-)

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