Imagine the view....

By btc

Super Tax £100....

...this is Canary Wharf one of the financial hearts of London full of multinational financial services organisations. People generally refer to the main building (with the pointy top) as Canary Wharf which it is not, Canary Wharf is the area, the building is One Canada Water.

What's any of this got to do with Super tax? I hear you shout (actually couldn't care less is probably what you are thinking), it was just a chance for me to get on my soap box about major organisations that use all the loopholes they can to pay as little tax as they can despite the million/billions they earn, I am sure that they find this country's tax laws 'super' (tenuous link but come on give me a break!!)

Going to head around go again now, so instead of getting Matthew to roll dice to lots of properties I have decided to just go round in order starting at Kings Cross.

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