It snowed a lot through the night and has snowed on and off all day . Some of the local roads have been tricky to negotiate according to the village Facebook page. Its very hilly round here so snow and ice always causes problems. I was safe and sound at home though as I didn't need to go out for any reason. I was expecting a couple of deliveries which came when they were scheduled. I decided to blip the footprint activity leading to and from my front door.
Musical link FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW- by Bill Monroe
I have tagged my blip for the Wide Wednesday challenge with the theme Earth. Thanks to steveng for hosting.
I got a message this morning to say that I could now book an appointment for my Covid jabs. So I went online and booked my first appointment for Friday afternoon and my second one is on 5th May. It was a very easy process and there were plenty of slots available. I will have the jabs at the Blaydon Walk In Centre which I can get to fairly easily by bus.
I've had a lazy day today watching TV mostly - including an episode of Frost from years ago. Probably seen it before but I can never remember the storylines. I made something new for my tea - ham and sweet potato bake. It was quite tasty and I think its something I will make again.
It was on this day in 2012 that my lovely cat Bobby went to the Rainbow Bridge.He was a great cat... a stray cat who decided he wanted to be adopted by me and moved in ( he actually broke in through the locked cat flap ). I did try and find his owner by putting posters up around the village but thankfully no-one came forward so Bobby was mine. He was a very loving cat and he was great to have around. His only fault was that he was very good at catching mice which he would bring indoors alive resulting in late night shenanigans trying to find the little creatures. I have a added collage of Bobby pics in my Extras.
Steps today - 3,389
CORONA CLASSIC - Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.1 Winter Daydreams
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