Wintery Wednesday ....

A keen frost today.
Staff managed to get their car to within a couple of miles of the farm, so having fed half the cattle their barley by my self, I went and collected the two of them in the Landrover. Bonus is they can’t go home until I take them !
A morning spent defrosting water pipes and troughs again. The scan man here doing the hill blackies. They were gathered in off the hill on Monday before the snow got too bad and have been hiding in fields nearer the handling pens ( or fanks, or folds, depending where you come from )
They had the 600 odd done by mid morning.
Hopefully the other scan man will be here to do the other hill tomorrow.
An afternoon spent next door sorting out cows and calves, giving the cows their fluke and wormer dose and the calves their pneumonia vaccine . Then they were turfed out the shed to the outside pens as the shed needs mucked out ready for housing some in lamb ewes.
A trip to the chiro tonight again. This is becoming a habit . The dash in the car said it was -8 at home and -3 at Dalkeith. Could well be right .

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