
By carliewired

Sunrise and Noon

All was still at dawn.
By noon a bitter cold wind
snatched my heat away!

~ carliewired

I was out on my deck just before 8 AM to catch the sun appearing. As usual, I was in my nightgown. It was -17 C but really didn't feel all that cold as it was completely still. 

I had to go out before noon to pull my garbage bins back in. A very nasty cold wind kept gusting which made the day feel entirely different than at morning. 

I took my camera down to the Rivers Trail along Schubert Drive. It had warmed to -15 C. I knew this was going to be the fastest photo shoot ever. I can bundle up but I can't manage my camera with gloves on. When I got out of my vehicle I stuffed my camera inside my jacket. Do cameras freeze?

I walked no more that 50 feet of the Rivers Trail. I walked under the Halston Bridge to get a shot of the old Railway Bridge. I'd blipped it earlier from the other side. See Jan. 22/21.  Mounts Peter and Paul were definitely huddled together for warmth today!  I was quite surprised to see this lonely man walking on the river sand. At first I thought he must be there with a dog as so many are. But no dog. He must have been half frozen although he kept moving. I hurried back to the vehicle much relieved to be done!!

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