Spend spend spend

Whilst waiting for my little lens to be repaired I've found myself pining for wide viewpoints. I have 2 lenses, a 14-42mm and a 40-150mm (times those numbers by 2 as it's a micro four thirds system) so basically I've been dealing with portrait lens upwards for the last couple of weeks. Living in an area known as the land of the "3/4 sky" that has been a trifle frustrating at times. And then there's been the problem of my old body, the camera that is, not me ... although thinking about it... Anyway the camera body is not what it was and seriously needs a service. However to do that I needed a second body to be used whilst the other was in service. The old body is the 'beginners' version and I felt that, although my name is Pete Weston and not Edward Weston, I did learn to take and develop pics from my grandad when I was 8 yrs old so maybe I could justify the 'enthusiast' version. So there we are a new fancy weatherproof camera with a 14-150  zoom lens. I'm not a gadget freak. I've always said that some of my best photos were taken with a biscuit tin. I suppose the biscuit tin didn't have HDR et al but it was weatherproof. Thank you MrsW for being so understanding. I've got to try and take some half decent photos now so no pressure eh?

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