
Wednesday mornings Danny and I hang out and have time together. Today we went to Sant Agnes and walked around the little lanes. It was so SO windy that we had to hang onto each other. It caused much hilarity, so it was more of a battle of a walk than a stroll...a lot of fun though. We also saw Danny's running group out doing some trail running! These beautiful flowers create a carpet effect across the island at the moment. It's called wallrocket and it's edible (part of the rocket family). Apparently it's good in soups and has a strong peppery taste...I'm looking forward to trying some - isn't it beautiful?!
 Danny had Zooms and teaching this afternoon so the kids and I toured the local parks. Not my favourite activity, but they loved it.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lots of laughter with Danny this morning.
2) John being delighted with the bike.
3) Beautiful beautiful places to walk.

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