Snow art

It stopped snowing, leaving us with at least 25cms, only about the 5th time in over 40yrs we've had that much here.
We decided to try and open up church for Foodbank so walked up (well, I walked and Mr Rat got a lift part way) but the gate padlock was frozen and de-icer didn't shift it so we returned home, stopping off to do some shopping, with a slight detour to the ponds.
Only a few very brief snow showers during the day and the sun was out quite a bit so we cleared some snow from the drive and I had a short run to see what it was like. Almost impossible on little trodden routes, difficult on salted bits (the snow wasn't melted but slid around) and quite good on untreated, well-trodden paths - though Mr Rat found them all difficult.
Cheated for tea, we got a reduced price Thai meal-for-2 when in the supermarket.

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