Back Where I Belong
I’ve stayed away from the lake for almost 2 weeks because we’ve had so much rain and I knew the paths around it were like a mud bath. I decided to venture back down there this afternoon. It was cold enough that I hoped the paths would be firm underfoot. They were still very squelchy but passable.
It was SO good to be there! I sat for awhile in my favourite spot and enjoyed the sun on my face. Pure bliss! My toes were just touching the water - the lake was still high. I wish I’d brought a flask of coffee. It was warm enough in the sun even though it was below freezing. The swans came to say hello.
I walked around the nearby meadows and enjoyed the changing sky while the sun set and then doubled back to the lake and sat for just a few more minutes in my other favourite spot, enjoying the peach coloured sky.
I saw about 10 people (and 1 dog) in little more than an hour, all in the distance. A successful socially distanced outing.
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