Things To Make And Do

By Ruthsowandsew


Back at work today after a run of days off. Actually only two of the days were ones that I would have been working, but with my part time hours that meant nearly a week away, and after a mostly relaxing creative time it was hard to get my head back into office mode. After work went for a walk round the allotment site just before sunset where I snapped this. I love the row of neat slightly raised beds on the plot in the foreground - not my plot I should add.  Don't let the lovely golden sunshine fool you, it was extremely cold, and although it was nice to be out, it was even nicer to get home for a cup of tea afterwards. 

Now making pasta bake (bonus photo), a recipe that seems to generate a huge amount of washing up before even getting to the bake stage, but that's The Bear's problem, she who cooks does not wash up! 

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