
By Pepysman

Ahoy There!!

It is amazing how time flies even when you are not engaged in what might pass for work. Firstly I had to go for an eye test which involved having the eyes photographed, then the puff of air to measure pressure and then the blip test- no relation. Only then did we start playing around with lenses.

In fact more time was actually spent choosing frames and working out deals than testing eyesight.

Then it was lunch at the Beacon Centre in Greenock. It has been a kind of nautical week on blip, not only for me, but other blippers as well. So it seemed only fitting to end the month, if not the week, with a ship on the Clyde.

The Beacon Centre has two very well equipped modern theatres, an excellent cafe and some very striking multi purpose rooms with exterior glass walls.

It is a tremendous resource for Greenock and the surrounding area - I wish it well.

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