Wide Wednesday . . . Earth . . . Moving

This tract of land beside the road has been in development for what seems like months.  The earth has been moved, shaped, filled, excavated again and moved somewhere else on the site with all sizes of diggers.  The digger blokes where stopped for lunch and I was looking into the sun.  I under exposed becasue I didn't want the clouds blowing out.  When recovering the rest of the image I moved the sliders a bit too much for my liking so it looks over processed to me.  Anyway when they finally finish playing with the earth it will be house sections.  More single story houses looking just like all the other new houses on this stretch of road.  It seems when a subdivision goes to the market the building companies get first go and so no one person can buy a section and have their own design  built.  
Thanks to Steveng for hosting this week.
My laptop came back today and I am not finding using a keyboard on top of the laptop key pad too weird.  For the moment I will stick with this cheap solution.  I am on old age pensioner you know :-)

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