Urban blight

I had a good discussion with a colleague about rangers in the field and how as an organisation we need to safeguard both their rights and the rights of people they come into contact with, namely communities living in and around conservation areas. There are often negative relationships and historical issues that never get resolved through what we would call in the biz a ‘grievance process’. It was good to be exercising the brain cells on something related to working at our project sites, rather than the more monotonous admin / grant / system stuff that seems to have typified the months of lockdown.

Stepping out gingerly, I grabbed a coffee and walked around a few nearby streets. It felt like the height of adventure after this week’s mobility issues. I saw these garages with peeling paint and enjoyed the urban decay for its atmosphere.

Today, Jackie Weaver is all of us who’ve ever had to withstand meetings with the inadequate leadership of a cabal of men stuck in a 1950s way of managing things.

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