
By Cailleach

Get my drift?

Snow has bizarrely affected the usually dour good citizens of Edinburgh.

It's a well known fact, that in this beautiful city strangers don't usually speak to each other unless a) they've been formally introduced and b) they've established which school everyone went to. (I always answer that question with 'The Academy' which people assume is Edinburgh Academy - ie posh and private. They don't need to know that I mean Greenock Academy - ie not remotely posh, and definitely not private!)

Today though, at least 5 different people muttered 'beautiful day' as I slid past them, and one of them even smiled!!!

When the 6th one said an entire sentence ("Isn't it just lovely to be out and about!") I was actually quite alarmed, until I realised he wasn't a deranged axe murderer ; he was merely a Glaswegian....

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