Snack time

Swim lesson today - I was early! Decided to get petrol before - forgot my purse!! Ahh again!! It's coz I've got 2 handbags!! Grrr
Garage v stroppy about it - wanted me to leave it on the forecourt!! With melody in?? Ignored them and returned home
Made it to swimming - walked all the way in and got to change room, I'd left bag in car!!! Grrr! Once retrieved I realised mike has left toilet bag (with locker money) at waterbabies grrrrr!! Small mercies that I had £1 in purse
After a skinny decaff no sugar later (what's the point - almost) home for naps and lunch b4 group - talk and tots - met some of the mum friends and went home. Melody had a peppa pig mag which she loved! Esp the stickers and free picnic stuff on the front
Refused her dinner - so I caved and gave her 2 yogs!
She's been well stroppy since 3 :(

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