Garden Centre Cafe

Miss L and I had a lovely day today.
I'm trying to be more active with her on the days when it's just us. Otherwise she just potters around and watches TV while I do housework. Alright once in a while but not every day!
So we headed off to Waddesdon Plant Centre for lunch and another browse through all the beautiful plants, gifts and houseware. If I won the lottery I'd go there with a removals van to pick up all the things I love!
Nana works there with some of her students on Thursdays so we had a nice lunch with her. Day four of my diet meant that I resisted cake and didn't put butter on the bread. I feel thinner already!!
It's one of those places that makes you feel good - beautiful things, gorgeous little touches like the bottles of dressing on the table, a tame robin who sits and watches you eat and then cleans up after you!
Miss E has been on fine form in the car for the last few days. She's been suddenly coming out with some amazing questions:
How did all the words we use get invented?
Does everything get old and die in the end?
How do babies get bigger? Not in their Mummies' tummies but between being a baby and being a grown up?
How do the petals on a flower grow?
Why do some trees keep their leaves in the winter

I found myself this morning at 8.30am talking about people living in caves with dinosaurs outside getting fed up of grunting at each other and not knowing what everybody meant so they invented words for things.
I studied linguistics at University and that's the best I could come up with!!!!!

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