Two boys and a dog...

Another afternoon, another walk.  The husband told me he'd found a mud-free walk, except I don't think I got the right track!  It wasn't too bad In fact thanks to snow and the ground being frozen. At least the dog didn't need a wash when we got home (he's an acceptable state of muddy!) 

The boys did well with school - although I think we're all ready for half term (despite already dreading how I'm going to entertain them for a week). 

Hopefully the youngest will sleep through tonight, he had me a wake in a split second last night (3.24am to be precise), when he started going downstairs. He spent the rest of the night very happily in our bed, 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Quiet evening ahead on the masters, it's the home straight for this assignment and needs to be finished and handed in. 
The eldest's handwriting improving - home schooling is hard work, but it's rewarding to see improvements. 
Home schooling - the youngest was learning about senses today and the teacher asked the children to think of something that didn't smell very nice.  The response from one of the class was 'daddy's bum'. 

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