Bright spots

The weather took a very unexpected turn. I went on a prayer walk and at the highest and furthest from home point, the heavens opened. I arrived home absolutely sodden through and with my camera as best tucked into my jacket as possible. This pic was moments before the rain started, I had to have the shutter speed super fast to capture anything vaguely stable, it was so so windy!
So a very wet and cold day here. I made 2 massive dishes of shepherd's pie for us and our friends on the streets. It felt like today needed comfort food in it, and it went down well with them.
Someone's given us a bike for a friend on the street who had his nicked last week - unfortunately it's an absolute wreck and so so rusted. BUT I've found someone selling one for a really good price as they need a quick sale! We'll go view and hopefully buy it tomorrow morning. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A doorstep chat with Todd and Stephen when they dropped the car back this afternoon. 
2) Time to walk and pray - felt that the rhythm today was input and then output.
3) The fun of being completely soaked...almost better to be soaked through than slightly damp, ha! The Portuguese custard tart and coffee once home also made it feel worthwhile!

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